
So I think I missed a few months?!

Wow! Did I really miss a whole year? YIKES! Makes me sad to think this time last year Ava Max wasn't even a year old! Can that be right? So Bryant family highlights for 2009... Hmm lets see....
This is where the little swirly goes round and round...
Ava Max hit all those big milestones like crawling, walking, getting her first tooth.
We spent her first birthday at the beach in West Palm Beach, Florida! She hated the sand and the ocean... She really wasn't too sure about the pool either!
Michael and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary (is that right?) We dropped the girls off in Colorado for a week with Grandma and Grandpa (It was a first for us to leave without our kids, and it was hard) We spent a week in Marco Island.... Oh how I miss it there!
We made the annual summer trip to Oklahoma!
Caitlin turned 7 in June and started 2nd grade (crazy I know!) She has really enjoyed her teacher and class this year. She has made a best friend and it is amazing to see her blossom!
Isabel started the big K and turned 6 in December! We got Miss Ellis again and we were thrilled! Isabel has already decided she is going to marry a boy in her class... and I thought Caitlin would be the boy crazy one!
Halloween was wet and muddy! Caitlin was a monarch butterfly, Isabel was a black kitty, and Ava Max was a monkey... They were SO cute!
Christmas... Disneyland!! We spent Christmas in Orlando with part of my family! AMAZING! Michael and I were able to take just the "big" girls the first day we went and it was SO much FUN! They opened and closed the park! What troopers they were. Taking Ava Max on It's a Small World was the highlight I think... She never moved or blinked! What great memories we have from last year!

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