
On my way now.. I am... I am...

So in the beginning one of the reasons I wanted to blog was to find my "true" self... Or at least to figure out how to be the best me I can be. Sounds easy enough... If only it were that simple. I am setting my goals now... I know there will be days I will fall short and days I will soar high but I am committed! I learned a lot this summer about myself....                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
1. I am a lot stronger than I ever thought I was.
2. Its important to be true to who I am and not to conform to who everyone else wants me to be.
3. (So I already knew this one...) Think before you speak... Think hard... And think twice!
4. My children are a good look into who I am....
5. God is ready to work in me if Ill just let Him.
6. Speak with love... Your message gets through better!
So now it's all about the continuation of this journey... It's a winding path that I believe God is leading me down. It looks bright and full of hope.

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